• admin@iihmskills.com
  • 8420166666 / 8274875222

Terms and Conditions

This page contains all the information related to the Terms & Conditions of using our website and availing our services. Please go to this page carefully. If you do not agree to any of the points mentioned on this page, please do not use our website and please do not download any content from it.

  1. We are committed to providing quality Education and other facilities.
  2. The laws and regulations govern us as per the constitution of India. Any claims related to our website or our services fall under the jurisdiction of the laws and regulations of India.
  3. We can use your photo and your name on our website and social media sites as testimonials/promotions after getting success in any Entrance examinations if you have availed of any of our services for same with us.
  4. We own all information displayed on our website, newsletters, emails, news articles, blogs, reviews, text, illustrations, images and any other material, our partners or our third-party vendors. We do not authorize the modification, publication, selling, transferring or reproduction of our information in any way whatsoever, commercial or otherwise.
  5. By using our website, users agree to abide by copyright laws and the restrictions provided under these laws. Failure to comply will cause copyright infringement, which is considered an offense under the copyright protection laws in India. Copyright infringement is punishable by imprisonment, fine or legal action.
  6. Users may use our website to browse content for educational or research purposes, to register for classes and to pay for registration.
  7. The content displayed on our website is available on an as-is basis. We do not make any depiction related to the reliability, the correctness or the probable results that can be caused by using any material on our website. We, as well as our partners and our third-party vendors, cannot be held responsible for any consequences that may be incurred due to an attempt to adopt any information listed on our website. Under no circumstances can we be held liable for compensation, even if notifications about damage incurred have been sent to us or any of our representatives.
  8. We may terminate, change, modify, discontinue or suspend any aspect of our website at any point of time without prior notification. This includes the availability of our Teacher.
  9. The content present on our website, brochures, emails, newsletters and any other promotional material may contain technical, photographic or typographic mistakes. We do not affirm that the content on our website is current, accurate or complete. We also do not make any commitments to update the content or any material on our website.
  10. We reserve the right to change or modify the contents of this Terms & Conditions page from time to time. All changes will be made without prior notice and will be effective immediately. Your continued use of our website after any changes are made will indicate that you accept our Terms & Conditions.

    If you have any questions regarding our Terms & Conditions, please get in touch with us.